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Show your fellow gamers and friends what you're listening to on Last.FM without touching a single API Key!

lfm-cli is a command-line interface implementing lfm-api to have the active scrobble displayed on Discord Rich Presence.


You can install lfm-cli by downloading prebuilt binaries from the releases page or by building from source.

Building from Source

To build from source, you will need to have Go installed on your system. To install Go, follow the instructions on the official website.

Once you have Go installed, you can clone the repository onto your system to proceed with the build.

git clone

After cloning the repository, navigate to the directory and build using the following command:

go build

This will create an executable file in the current directory that you can run to use to run lfm-cli.


lfm-cli works right out of the box - no configuration needed. You just need to have Discord open and running on your system.

To run lfm-cli, simply execute the binary file you downloaded or built.


The active scrobble will be displayed on your Discord profile.

Known Issues

  • If you are using the Discord web client, the rich presence will not be displayed. This is a limitation of the Discord web client and not lfm-cli.
  • If you are using the Discord desktop client, ensure that you have the "Display Spotify as your status" option disabled in the Discord settings. This option can interfere with the rich presence display.
  • If Discord is closed or not running, the rich presence will not be displayed. Ensure that Discord is running in the background for the rich presence to work. Otherwise, restart lfm-cli when Discord is running.

Available Flags

  • --help, -h: Shows a list of commands or help for one command
  • --user USERNAME, -u USERNAME: Display Last.FM scrobbles from USERNAME
  • --refresh X, -r X: Checks Last.FM every X seconds for new scrobbles (default: 10)
  • --hide-profile: Removes buttons to the specified Last.FM profile (default: false)
  • --show-loved, -l: Replaces the default smallImage key with a heart for loved songs. (default: false)
  • --rm-covers: Does not show album cover images. (default: false)
  • --rm-time: Does not show time elapsed for the scrobble. (default: false)
  • --keep-status: Shows status even when there is no active scrobble. (default: false)
  • --debug, -d: Enable verbose and debug logging (default: false)
  • --version, -v: Print the version